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© 2021 - Ingrid von Wantoch Rekowski - Lucilia Caesar
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The Gallery of Solitary Beings

Triptychs based on The Stereoscope of Solitary Beings (Juan Rodolfo Wilcock)

The Gallery of Solitary Beings

The Gallery of Solitary Beings

Dates / Venues Gallery Teaser ©Alain Tajchman

Andy Williams April 3, 2021
The Stereoscope of Solitary Beings

The Stereoscope of Solitary Beings

Dates / Venues Gallery The Stereoscope of Solitary Beings ©2015 Reims The Stereoscope of...

Andy Williams April 3, 2021
Rubens - Metamorfoses

Rubens - Metamorfoses

Dates / Venues Gallery Video

Andy Williams March 24, 2021
Métamorphoses II d’Avila
Andy Williams March 24, 2021
Métamorphoses Nocturnes Bis

Métamorphoses Nocturnes Bis

Dates / Venues Gallery ©PhilippeFresco

Andy Williams March 21, 2021
Métamorphoses Nocturnes

Métamorphoses Nocturnes

Dates / Venues Gallery ©Jan Van Gijsel Video

Andy Williams March 21, 2021
Le jardin des graves et aigus
Andy Williams March 21, 2021